Greetings! This page contains links to important documents sent to district attorneys in
22 Texas counties, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, and the Office of Governor Greg
Abbott. These documents request a criminal investigation of Dr Anthony Fauci and
several other officials for their policies and actions during the recent COVID-19 pandemic.
The legal brief developed and sent to the above officials was on behalf of the aggrieved
families of 46 Texans (victims) who perished in Texas hospitals and other facilities during
the pandemic. The brief identifies alleged crimes per Texas penal code and presents
substantial evidence developed by attorneys working pro bono.
List of documents:
- News Release Announcing the Request for Investigation
- Texas AG Brief Public
- Exhibit A: Texans Who Perished
- Exhibit B: Letters from Next-of-Kin Family Members Requesting an Investigation
- How to Hold Anthony Fauci Accountable
- Sample Letters to Attorney General Ken Paxton
Persons desiring further information should contact the Vires Law Group at 515 N. Flagler
Dr., Suite P-350, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, O: (561)370-7383; also www.ViresLaw.Group